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Welcome to Shia Central

A group of Shi'i researchers that aim to defend the school of Ahlul-bayt (as). We welcome you to read our articles and use our resources. If you have any questions or wish to contact us, please use the option below.

What is Our Goal?
We merely aim to defend our madhab and give it a speaking voice that it seemingly lacks. We have no interest in pursuing fame or money, but rather here to present our binding evidences on the rejecters of al-Haqq al-Mubeen (the clear truth), so that on the Day of Judgment there shall remain no excuses for them. 
Are Any of Us Scholars
None of us are certified scholars, though we do have access to some. In our works, we demonstrate evidences and always present scholarly proofs whenever necessary. Our knowledge like said before is mostly through our own independent research that we do voluntarily. 
What Type Of Content Do We Publish? 
While our works mostly focus on Islamic history, we hope to cover a wide range of issues that include fiqh issues between Shi'i scholars and Sunni ones, information on Shi'i Aqa'id and even polemics with non-muslims such as Christians/Atheists etc... That being said, the main attacks on Shi'a Islam seem to be from the opposite sects and hence you will see majority of our articles being based on that.
What Kind of Shi'a Views Do We Hold
We like to call ourselves what the companions of Imam al-Husayn (as) used to call themselves; deen Ali. We are upon the beliefs of Ali (as), and that is the rafdh (rejection) of the illegitimate caliphs alongside several other views. We are adherents of the 12 Imams (i.e. twelvers) and dissociate from their enemies. Someone may ask 'why not deen Muhammad (saw)'? Such person should be notified that deen Ali is deen Muhammad, and that either one I say nothing changes, but the emphasis on deen Ali is given because many people disagreed about what kind of deen Muhammad (saw) had, so the Shi'a say that Ali's understanding of deen Muhammad is the correct and only correct understanding! 
Are we Usuli or Akhbari
We mainly adhere to an Usuli methodology, but differ to various degrees. Being Usuli or Akhbari is fine, as long as this methodology is an actual scholarly-backed methodology. Other than that, what methodology you aim to follow is your choice. If you're not aware of the difference, or completely unaware of this, perhaps our articles may come in handy for you to understand.
What is 'Al-'Ayn Foundation' Charity?
We highly advise for you to research more about this charity, it's one that has gotten recognition by al-Sayyid al-Sistani (ha) and operates in the region of Iraq, Afghanistan and Ghana. We reccomend you to check out the website, and if you're willing to donate the link for it is availabe. We have chosen to support this charity because some of our members are active volunteers at that charity. May Allah accept any charity that you send.

Want to get in touch?

Get in touch if you have questions, want to work with us or have feedback!

We'll get back to you soon!

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